Tuesday 20 January 2015

Modelling an IPod using cinema 4D

Firstly, i opened up cinema 4D and added a cube object from the primitive object menu. I then changed the size and the fillet of the cube object to form the shape of the iPod. I changed the values for the cube object in the attributes manager. Next i added a plane object from the primitive object menu. I changed the size and the positioning of the plane object to form the screen of the iPod. I then entered the dimensions for the plane object and the co-ordinates for the plane object in the attributes manager. Next i added a tube object from the primitive object menu and changed the size and the positioning of the object to form the job wheel of the iPod. I then entered the co-ordinates for he tube object in the attributes menu. I grouped the cube, plane and tube objects into one object so i could move them as one object, to do so i went into the objects manager i held down the shift key whilst selecting the cube, plane and tube objects then went into the object menu and selected group objects, now they are grouped into a null object. I then double clicked on the null object and renamed it "iPod". Next i created the surface for the iPod to rest on, to do so i added a plane objects from the primitive object menu and changed the size. I then entered the dimensions for the plane object in the attributes manager. I re-positioned the iPod so that it rested correctly on top of the surface. I positioned my view of the iPod using the view point, move, zoom and rotation controls. I then clicked on the + symbol to the left of the iPod object in the object manager. The iPod objects opened and revealed the cube, plane and tube objects. Next i created some new materials by opening the  materials manager and selected a new material from the file menu, i double clicked on the new material and the material editor appeared. Within the material editor i selected the colour i wanted entering the correct values for black, i also selected the reflection in the left menu and adjusted the reflection brightness. I then repeated that but made the object green and again. I then put the colours in the correct places and to screen of the iPod on. I added a light object and adjusted appropriately.