Tuesday 19 May 2015

using illustrator and photoshop

Firstly, i scanned my drawing of sun into the computer and went around the out line with the pen tool in adobe illustrator. Secondly, i screenshot the finished outline of the sun and opened it in photoshop. In photoshop i clicked on the paint brush tool and turned the opacity percentage down to create highlights on the sun. I used this method to give it a nicer gleaming aura. I'm pleased with how it made out, however, it'd into quite what i imagined and i forgot to take the black outline off which i think kind of ruins the shining effect.

Tuesday 12 May 2015

Illustrations for my Infographic

Firstly i scanned my drawing of the tree into the computer and went around the out line with the pen tool in adobe illustrator. Secondly, i screenshot the finished outline of the tree and opened it in photoshop. In photoshop i clicked on the paint brush tool and turned the opacity percentage down to create highlights on the tree. I wanted to use this method to put colour into my illustration because i wanted to make it look more 3D. I believe i achieved what i intended to do and i am very pleased with the outcome.

Using illustrator

Firstly, I used the pen tool to go around the outside of my scanned in drawings. Then i filled my newly drawn, with illustrator, animals in with colour to create animal logos. This was the first time i used illustrator by myself and i did find it difficult. I'm pleased with the fact that i managed to use illustrator on my own, however, i wasn't so pleased with how the edges of the illustrations weren't as smooth as i had liked.

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Pen tool practice

This was an exercise set by my teacher Jon. He put the three images onto my computer. I then had to open them individually in illustrator and follow the perimeter using the pen tool. To finish them i filled them in with colour.