Tuesday 2 June 2015

Creating patterns on the computer ensures accurate repetition and symmetrical shapes. You can use programs such as photoshop to produce surface pattern.

Using computers in 3D design

Using computers when designing 3D objects, images and animations means you get a cleaner, neater finish. You can create more elaborate, intricate designs and when necessary make them symmetrical easier. The fact they're made on the computer makes it easier to use different formats and applications in harmony, for example when making games you could use maya, scaleform, 3D max and mudbox. You can scan in your own drawings and change the format of your picture and develop them into 3D animations. You can also create designs on the computer to then put on your 3d objects, such as ceramic jugs, pots, vases, plates, etc.

Infographics on the computer


Infographics is a visual representation of information or data, e.g. as a chart or diagram. You can make inforgraphics by using Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop, which are both computer programs. Making infographics on the computer is important because it helps you create a neat clean informative poster. People commonly used the pen tool in illustrator to achieve the images on the infographics.  

Mock of my final infographic

For my final inforgraphic, i first opened illustrator and clicked on the rectangle tool and covered the left half of the page with a rectangle shape, i made that one dark purple. I repeated that step to make the right side duck egg blue / kaki green. Next i went on the internet and downloaded a font called "Farray" for the title of my infographic. Next i drew a tree trunk and scanned it into the computer. I went around the scanned tree trunk with pen tool in illustrator and filled it in dark brown. To make the leaves of the tree i used the ellipse tool with the opacity percentage turned down to about 40% and filled them . I then made the boxes for text by using the rectangle tool with the opacity percentage turned down. Finally, i made the earth by drawing it and scanning it into the computer. Then i used pen tool to create the outline and then filled it in with colour.
        I'm pleased with the outcome and i look forward to putting the information on and seeing the finished outcome.

Tuesday 19 May 2015

using illustrator and photoshop

Firstly, i scanned my drawing of sun into the computer and went around the out line with the pen tool in adobe illustrator. Secondly, i screenshot the finished outline of the sun and opened it in photoshop. In photoshop i clicked on the paint brush tool and turned the opacity percentage down to create highlights on the sun. I used this method to give it a nicer gleaming aura. I'm pleased with how it made out, however, it'd into quite what i imagined and i forgot to take the black outline off which i think kind of ruins the shining effect.

Tuesday 12 May 2015

Illustrations for my Infographic

Firstly i scanned my drawing of the tree into the computer and went around the out line with the pen tool in adobe illustrator. Secondly, i screenshot the finished outline of the tree and opened it in photoshop. In photoshop i clicked on the paint brush tool and turned the opacity percentage down to create highlights on the tree. I wanted to use this method to put colour into my illustration because i wanted to make it look more 3D. I believe i achieved what i intended to do and i am very pleased with the outcome.

Using illustrator

Firstly, I used the pen tool to go around the outside of my scanned in drawings. Then i filled my newly drawn, with illustrator, animals in with colour to create animal logos. This was the first time i used illustrator by myself and i did find it difficult. I'm pleased with the fact that i managed to use illustrator on my own, however, i wasn't so pleased with how the edges of the illustrations weren't as smooth as i had liked.

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Pen tool practice

This was an exercise set by my teacher Jon. He put the three images onto my computer. I then had to open them individually in illustrator and follow the perimeter using the pen tool. To finish them i filled them in with colour.

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Tuesday 3 March 2015

Surface Patterns made using Photoshop

Firstly, i got an image of a pineapple from google images. Secondly, i opened the image of the pineapple in photoshop, selected the Marguee tool and made a selection around the shape. I then selected the Define Brush Presents from the edit menu and selected the paint brush tool and named the new brush "pineapple". I selected the paint brush tool and selected the new "pineapple" brush in the pull down menu. I then selected brush tip shape and adjusted the size. I then made a picture. After that i adjusted the spacing and made another pattern. I tried out a few more techniques such as, changing the size dynamics and jitter, angle jitter, flip x jitter and y jitter, scattering, colour dynamics and hue jitter and finally purity.

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Modelling an IPod using cinema 4D

Firstly, i opened up cinema 4D and added a cube object from the primitive object menu. I then changed the size and the fillet of the cube object to form the shape of the iPod. I changed the values for the cube object in the attributes manager. Next i added a plane object from the primitive object menu. I changed the size and the positioning of the plane object to form the screen of the iPod. I then entered the dimensions for the plane object and the co-ordinates for the plane object in the attributes manager. Next i added a tube object from the primitive object menu and changed the size and the positioning of the object to form the job wheel of the iPod. I then entered the co-ordinates for he tube object in the attributes menu. I grouped the cube, plane and tube objects into one object so i could move them as one object, to do so i went into the objects manager i held down the shift key whilst selecting the cube, plane and tube objects then went into the object menu and selected group objects, now they are grouped into a null object. I then double clicked on the null object and renamed it "iPod". Next i created the surface for the iPod to rest on, to do so i added a plane objects from the primitive object menu and changed the size. I then entered the dimensions for the plane object in the attributes manager. I re-positioned the iPod so that it rested correctly on top of the surface. I positioned my view of the iPod using the view point, move, zoom and rotation controls. I then clicked on the + symbol to the left of the iPod object in the object manager. The iPod objects opened and revealed the cube, plane and tube objects. Next i created some new materials by opening the  materials manager and selected a new material from the file menu, i double clicked on the new material and the material editor appeared. Within the material editor i selected the colour i wanted entering the correct values for black, i also selected the reflection in the left menu and adjusted the reflection brightness. I then repeated that but made the object green and again. I then put the colours in the correct places and to screen of the iPod on. I added a light object and adjusted appropriately.